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Eneida Latham

Stephen Latham


Eneida E. Martins Latham has a degree in Business Administration and holds an M.S. and PhD in Linguistics. She has studied French, Spanish and German, and speaks English fluently, having lived in the United States and England. She started her professional life in the business area, working with exportation for six years. She was an English instructor in language schools in Belo Horizonte and, since 1998, has been a university lecturer of linguistics and Portuguese as well as a technical translator (English and Portuguese). In 2008, she was approved on a series of tests to become an official (“sworn”) translator, and is now in the process of acquiring her full accreditation by the Brazilian Government. Click here to see her resumé.


Steve Latham is British and has been living in Brazil since 2005. He has a Diploma in Stage Management and Technical Theatre (Lighting Design) and a BSc (Honours) studying computing and natural sciences. He worked as a designer for 17 years, developing projects for companies in many different European, American and Asian countries. His experience in dealing with people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, together with a demand for educated native speaker professionals, has led him to teach English as a foreign language in Belo Horizonte. Currently, he is also a translator and proofreader of technical and academic texts. Click here to see his resumé.